Photography : She Said Yes
The Wonder of The West
Melvin & Mico Prewedding by Will
Aug 2024

Well, France is more than just Paris. On the west side, there’s this place called Mont Saint-Michel that is actually magical — it looks like something straight out of a Harry Potter! While this photoshoot was truly an adventure to remember, it’s rare for us to send 2 photographers and 2 videographers just for a pre-wedding shoot, making this a special occasion. Hear from Will & Joe as they share their experiences, from the heartfelt moments with the couple to the memorable challenges and favorite spots that made this shoot unforgettable!


Can you share a bit about the couple?

Will: “They’re a really nice couple who are also very caring towards others, including us photographers, videographers, the makeup artist, and the organizer team. Unfortunately, a few days before their flight to Europe, Mico injured his knee and had to use a cane to walk. Despite this, he insisted on surveying the location of Mont Saint-Michel a day before the photoshoot, even wearing a raincoat and using the cane in heavy rain. Thank God, on the day of the photoshoot, the weather was nice, and it didn’t rain at all. Mico was even able to walk without the cane.”

Joe: “They are such a cute couple, and they truly complement each other. By this, I mean that while Mico loves shopping, Melvin loves making her happy!” 


What was the most memorable moment?

Will: “This was our first time at Mont Saint-Michel, so we were completely clueless with the location. We didn’t realize how difficult it would be to reach the zig-zag river photo spot, which was wet, muddy, and even had a sheep barn nearby. The good thing is, we discovered this during our survey. Melvin then asked the driver to get boots for all of us for the photoshoot the next day. Super effort!”

Joe: “The food, of course. Every time Melvin orders food at a restaurant, he never holds back, and it always surprises everyone. The table often couldn’t fit all the food he ordered! Oh, and there was that time when our driver tried to find boots for all of us since early in the morning.”

What was your favorite photo spot?

Will: “Right outside the Mont Saint-Michel and the meandering riverbed. One of my bucket lists was checked!”

Joe: “Mont Saint-Michel. Period.”


What was the biggest challenge during the photoshoot?
Will: “Just as I mentioned earlier, it was all wet and muddy, and we had to walk a lot because cars couldn’t get close to the abbey area. Inside Mont Saint-Michel, there are many stairs and tourists, so we had to move quickly and find the perfect angle to make it look less crowded.”

Joe: “Extreme weather! The wind was very strong, and it was extremely cold.”


Would you recommend this place to others?

Will: “Yes. But keep in mind that this is one of the top tourist destinations, so expect large crowds and be prepared to wake up really early. It’s all worth it for the best pictures. Actually, there are many lesser-known destinations still on my bucket list. Want to know more? Hire me! Hahaha.”

Joe: ”Yes, of course! But not during winter please :)”


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