In a snap of a finger, we’re 20 years old and in our prime. It’s been some time since we’ve dreamed of something we’ve never imagined it would become right now. Started with a stranger who shares the same passion, then becomes a family who shares the same joy. We choose to celebrate our collective memories. From a simple hello, turns into our first run, and then until our first love.
How our journey is full of inspiration, full of creation, full of art. How our treasure chest is full of laughter, full of wisdom, full of pride. In a snap of a finger, we’re 20 years old and in our prime. We’ve been flying on a pink cloud, rockin’ on every corner of the world. And we’ll always be. We’ve been riding on a steel horse, catching millions of lovers’ sparks. And we’ll always be. In the last bit of years, we’ve been through dark clouds and muddy water, and we’re now breaking into a clear blue sky again.
We are pleased to be a home for many wonderful people and grateful for everyone who has been supporting us during our journey. Everyone left their fingerprints of love and dedication, making Axioo better. Few words from them mean countless memories of life and here are a piece of their most unforgettable memories by photos and expressions, during their time with us, and here is it!
First one, Meliantha Nathania. “Selama kerja di Axioo, memori paling ga terlupakan itu selalu pas kita outing. Semua outing selalu berkesan, cuma this one in Tokyo itu memorable banget. Berasa banget semua anak kantor itu emang 1 team, axioo means teamwork. Dari pas main game, jalan2, foto2, kita bs saling tau anak2 dari divisi lain, how they think, how they work. It makes us understand each other better. It’s very heartwarming. Harapan untuk kedepannya, I hope this value, this teamwork, will always be in Axioo’s core.
Soar high, Axioo! 20 years is definitely not an easy task to accomplish but I pray for nothing but the best for the future.
Cheers, Meli ”
The unforgettable moment, Axioo Tokyo Outing 2019.
Next one, Adam Mulyadi, “Foto ini diambil waktu saya ulang tahun. Mengapa ini sangat spesial?
Pada saat itu, setiap ada yang berulang tahun, pasti harus nyebur di kolam renang. Dan mungkin ini satu2nya kantor yang bisa melakukan demikian. Di situlah saya bisa melihat satu sama lain bisa saling kenal dan dekat. Saya bangga dengan para pemilik AXIOO yang selalu take care kita semua dengan baik. Mereka adalah orang orang yang membuat saya menjadi berani untuk mengejar mimpi-mimpi saya selama ini.
Thank you AXIOO for unforgettable memories. Semoga AXIOO akan selalu menjadi tempat inspirasi dan pertumbuhan bagi semua orang yang ada di dalamnya!”