20 Years of AXIOO Journey
Journal by AXIOO
Apr 2022

In a snap of a finger, we’re 20 years old and in our prime. It’s been some time since we’ve dreamed of something we’ve never imagined it would become right now. Started with a stranger who shares the same passion, then becomes a family who shares the same joy. We choose to celebrate our collective memories. From a simple hello, turns into our first run, and then until our first love.


How our journey is full of inspiration, full of creation, full of art. How our treasure chest is full of laughter, full of wisdom, full of pride. In a snap of a finger, we’re 20 years old and in our prime. We’ve been flying on a pink cloud, rockin’ on every corner of the world. And we’ll always be. We’ve been riding on a steel horse, catching millions of lovers’ sparks. And we’ll always be. In the last bit of years, we’ve been through dark clouds and muddy water, and we’re now breaking into a clear blue sky again.


We are pleased to be a home for many wonderful people and grateful for everyone who has been supporting us during our journey. Everyone left their fingerprints of love and dedication, making Axioo better. Few words from them mean countless memories of life and here are a piece of their most unforgettable memories by photos and expressions, during their time with us, and here is it!



First one, Meliantha Nathania. “Selama kerja di Axioo, memori paling ga terlupakan itu selalu pas kita outing. Semua outing selalu berkesan, cuma this one in Tokyo itu memorable banget. Berasa banget semua anak kantor itu emang 1 team, axioo means teamwork. Dari pas main game, jalan2, foto2, kita bs saling tau anak2 dari divisi lain, how they think, how they work. It makes us understand each other better. It’s very heartwarming. Harapan untuk kedepannya, I hope this value, this teamwork, will always be in Axioo’s core.


Soar high, Axioo! 20 years is definitely not an easy task to accomplish but I pray for nothing but the best for the future. 


Cheers, Meli


The unforgettable moment, Axioo Tokyo Outing 2019.


Next one, Adam Mulyadi, “Foto ini diambil waktu saya ulang tahun. Mengapa ini sangat spesial?


Pada saat itu, setiap ada yang berulang tahun, pasti harus nyebur di kolam renang. Dan mungkin ini satu2nya kantor yang bisa melakukan demikian. Di situlah saya bisa melihat satu sama lain bisa saling kenal dan dekat. Saya bangga dengan para pemilik AXIOO yang selalu take care kita semua dengan baik. Mereka adalah orang orang yang membuat saya menjadi berani untuk mengejar mimpi-mimpi saya selama ini.


Thank you AXIOO for unforgettable memories. Semoga AXIOO akan selalu menjadi tempat inspirasi dan pertumbuhan bagi semua orang yang ada di dalamnya!”


Mega Kusyono, Come from Zero to be Someone that learned many things.”


Stephen Abner, “Unforgettable. It is the one word that I would use to describe Axioo. The culture, values, family, friendship, creativity, and craziness that we had together, were not just memories. It made me who I am today.


Happy 20th birthday Axioo: esp. Awie, Fen, Tink, and all the fairies and dwarves who built Axioo as a magic maker and love bringer.

Even though we have parted ways, I am glad that I have been part of the Axioo Family. – Stephen (Axioo’s designer)”


Kelly Kwan, “Congrats Axioo for the anniversary! The most memorable moment for me is being part of Axioo designers, we spend 5 days a week together, form a special bond, talk all stories from A-Z, share jokes every day and those special memories of us will always be part of my past which I miss and they will always be my Axioo Family.”


Ila Davina, “To me, Axioo was a place full of inspirational and talented people. A place where I met so many lovely people, where I met my best friends, a place called home. Thank you for being a wonderful part of my life, glad our paths crossed. “


Vina Winarta, “It’s been 9 years since I stepped into the Axioo house. Time certainly flies when you’re having fun. When I looked back on our journey, from the highest highs to the lowest lows, through the seasons of change and come what may, this bond we have is what will glue us together. Congratulations to us for making it this far, may we age like a fine wine 🙂


P.S The photo is from one of the most memorable Axioo Bali outings in Bajo. The ultimate city girl in me who usually refused to make friends with the sun wished that I could travel back in time to those moments. We shared our hearts out on the deck of the boat under the starry skyline with our favorite songs playing in the background, laughed heartily at silly jokes and at each other, were vulnerable experienced new things, and got to know one another better all over again.”


Wiwi  “Foto sm woofie! Seminggu pertama ditrima di axioo.


Berawal dari baby axioo yg isinya cm 3 (vania, feggi & me) kl vania lg foto dan feggi lg meeting di ruangan cm sndiri sm woofie Grateful bisa menjadi bagian di Axioo dan nemenin hidup dari single, in relationship smpe married.


Yang paling di kangenin sih suasana kerja di axioo dan teman-teman kerja yang asik smua .Moment yang berkesan OUTING ke Vietnam & Legoland , SUPER.



Laurensia Handriani, “Dear Axioo, Laura (AXIOO-ers CR circa 2013-2016 )


I remember scrolling through the AXIOO page back in my Uni days, and I thought “Wow, I want to be part of this”, long story short there was an opening for a new CR position, so I applied, and voila, I became a part of Axioo Family.


I met a bunch of awesome and creative people. We shared our stories, we laughed, we played, and we cried together in every corner of AXIOO’s home. 


AXIOO was a life-changing experience. It changes the way you see love, it changes your perspective on loyalty, trust, leadership, and friendship. AXIOO taught me how to handle people and crises, how to be out of my comfort zone, to always try something different, and have a leap of faith. (I’ve learned so much from my awesome mentors – Ko Awie, Ci Fen, Tink – Thank You! I’m forever grateful )


Happy 20th Anniversary AXIOO!”


Michelin Jagadpramana, “My memories di axioo, ga ada yang ngalahin pas bridestory fair/market. Kudu bangun pagi banget, setir ke ICE BSD, jaga booth til midnight HAHA sampe ga ada waktu makan minum dehidrasi.


Inget banget pertama kali pecah telor di BSM senengnya bukan maen, angkanya bombastis pula HAHA kowie sampe teriakin semua orang woi micheline pecah telor HAHAHA Duh semua cape puas kalo bisa achieve target HAHAHA


Cuma kalo lagi seret cuma bisa colek Winny sama Vina, gimana nih guys


Congratulations Axioo, you made it till 20 years! Crayyy! Thank you udah ajarin banyak hal selama 3-4 years di Axioo. Treasure it so much.


Best wishes!!!!” 


Donny Wu, “This is a photo of me in 2010 with my very first camera and I started to learn photography which was inspired by Axioo back then Happy 20th-anniversary Axioo, keep inspiring.”


Priska Tham (Axioo Bali Stylist), “Have the most beautiful day in Japan at Axioo Bali Outing 2018! The best experience I’ve had with Axioo Bali is to be able to share something that you love with this best bunch of creatives!”


Aldo Baskoro, “The most unforgettable moment I had with Axioo Bali was the fun, laughter, and togetherness we shared, from working hard to playing even harder with the best team that became true friends and family! Thank you for those wonderful years.”


Willy Dora, “Christmas celebration 2011. One of the best parts of my life was when I was working in Axioo. The place that always welcomes you with an open hand. The place where I get the chance to meet a lot of new friends that become family. A place that is full of creativity and hardworking people.


The place is so warm that it feels more like home than an office.


 It always feels like home when you’re working surrounded by the people that love you like a family. Wishing you another year filled with success. Happy 20th anniversary!


Sharon Iskandar, “AXIOO has a special place in my heart,

where work is like my playground and colleagues feel like family.”


Veronica Jookifli, “Kerja di Axioo tuh, bikin pengen ngantor terus tiap hari. gak kayak kerja, cuman sekelompok temen yang lagi bikin project bareng tapi karya2nya berdampak banget di hidup clients. I cannot even pick 1 fav Axioo moment , saking banyaknya.

thank you for the memories, it warms my heart whenever I think of them :’)


Diana Henry, “Axioo mengingatkan saya masa-masa menjalani OKB


(O)Office yang – (K)Kerja subuh – (B)Bubar malem.


Karena dikejar Deadline NO . Dikejar keinginan untuk segera mengganti transportasi besar bersupir (angkot-bus) menjadi transportasi milik sendiri, bebas priwitt, dan bebas pakai hot pants YES.


Bisa dilihat foto kiri adalah awal masuk axioo, dan foto kanan setelah 8 tahun bekerja di axioo. (Selain menyenangkan, bebas berkarya, kulit terjaga )


Terimakasih sudah membuat gadis angkot rute tanah abang-lebak bulus berkarya dengan seluruh hatinya, (selain membuat pulahan lebih masterpiece, adinda berhasil mewujudkan puluhan lebih mimpi terwujud). Dear Axioo “and I alwaysssss love youuuu ~~~ uuu” – ttd, Diana Houston


Kiki Amelia, “What a great favor God does to those He places in the company of good people like this, love you Axioo Bali.”


Sheena P, “Excited when you told me about this project. It took me a while to arrange the thought into a nutshell. I hope this suffices


Happiness is working with the right kind of wild, chaotic, and passionate individuals. The kind that boosts creativity and pushes your limits.


One of the things I cherish about working in Axioo is the beautiful chaos. So while the pics taken by Axioo are all eye-pleasing, I find the eye-aching pics with a bad camera worth as much haha. So I decided to send the bad ones instead, cos I’m sure Axioo has a pool of the good ones. I had to send some, didn’t know which ones are “worthy” enough for the post, let the team decide haha.”


Fun, “AXIOO is my second home back then always thankful for the opportunity that Fen & Awie gave, especially for giving me a chance to work in Axioo Bali selama bekerja ga pernah bener2 ngerasa lagi kerja, lebih ke liburan, main2, exploring, dan bahkan ngelakuin hal2 that I never thought I could I’ve met so many good people in my life, and much of them where there. They became a family that always has a special place in my heart hikss jadi kangennnn



Isac, “Pertama kali tau axioo tahun 2007 dari website (amazed waktu itu liat foto2nya). Ga nyangka tahun 2012 malah kerja di axioo sampai sekarang. Waktu itu  dikasi tau ada lowongan kerja sama Yohana (dia uda kerja di axioo duluan), iseng2 lamar, pas lagi nganggur jg waktu itu, eh keterima dan keterusan sampe skarang wkwkwkwk..

Kalo diitung2 gw uda abisin skitar hampir ¼ umur gw kerja di Axioo, dari jaman masi single sampe sekarang punya anak. Belajar banyak banget tentang dunia foto, pertemenan, sama diri sendiri.

Thank you Axioo buat semua kesempatannya, salah satu rumah dan sekolah gw sampe hari ini. Momen yang berharga dan juga ada di foto ini adalah Ikutan Christmas Party pertama di Axioo! Semoga terus jaya buat Axioo.”


Ray Kho, “I call this “The People Of Axioo Bali”. ? (Chinese), “People” has two brushstrokes. It means we never stand alone. There’s always someone by our side. To support us, to trust us.


Karena mirip seperti 2 batang kayu yang saling menahan dan bersandar layaknya seperti arti dari “Manusia”. Semua teman-teman AxiooBali adalah perantau, maka pertama kali nya keBali pastinya asing, seperti apakah teman-teman AxiooBali, apakah ada nya teamwork, karakter nya seperti apa, tidak ada yang tahu until day 1 masuk ke AxiooBali. 4th January 2015 saya berbagung dengan tim AxiooBali, dan saat itulah saya memulai chapter saya bersama Axioo.


Ngomong-ngomong kita gak selalu akur kok, kadang kita berantem, bersenang dan bersedih bareng, tukar candaan dan tawa bareng tapi kemanapun arahnya pada akhirnya kita akan saling bahu-membahu. Foto ini diambil saat outing Jepang 2018 dan juga merupakan outing kedua saya bersama AxiooBali, dimana kita semua membuat destinasi outing ini menjadi kenyataan. Outing ini sangat menguji teamwork, mulai dari tempat tinggal yang jaga rumah cm bisa bahasa mandarin & jepang, kamar mandi yang terbatas dan keanehan di tembokya, cuaca yang dingin menjadi alasan sebat, games & activities, masak-masak yang hampir didatengin polisi. But in the end dari trip ini sungguh luar biasa. Jadi ini alasan membuat outing ini menjadi the most memorable moment. Hampir 8 tahun bersama AxiooBali, sudah terlalu banyak momen, namun ini yang paling terkesan. Btw, mising Rob & Dae disaat itu.


Happy 20th Anniversary!!!


Thank You Axioo


Thank You Axioo Bali


Thank You Everyones


Thank You yang diberikan dan mengisi chapter dalam perjalanan ku.


Suatu hari nanti saya akan cerita seberapa bangga diriku bersama tim Axioo <3”



These people may represent the AXIOO families out there. Every expression is like a bullet inside the gun called Axioo’s journey. Sometimes it may be dangerous, but it’s also the main thing that keeps the gun “alive”. All of our paths may have changed as life goes along, the bond as Axioo will always. Some bonds are everlasting, and also the memories are stills.


We rise higher than ever. We love more vigorously than ever. We create more passionately than ever. We celebrate love and life more joyfully than ever.


We are Axioo

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Time Capsule

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Axioo’s 20th Anniversary